Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Challenge # 506 - Sew/Stitch it !

Hi there, it´s Wednesday and time for a brand new Challenge at Little Red Wagon. It's me, Imke - I am your hostess this week and I hope you like my play on words:

" SEW/STITCH it ! "

So, bring out your sewing machines, needle and thread or just a pen to draw a stitch. I'm curious what you make out of it.

And this is my take of it:

Now it's your turn, please link up your project below ! I'm looking forward to seeing your projects and visiting you on your blogs.

1 comment:

  1. Merci pour ce nouveau challenge et la belle inspiration de la DT.
    Je tente ma chance.

    Thank you for this new challenge and the beautiful inspiration of the DT.
    I try my luck.
