Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Challenge # 757 - Just One !

Hello everyone, nice to have you back for a brand new challenge. It's me, Imke and I have this topic for you this week:

“One Layers ”  

I am a friend of CAS cards and also of One Layer cards. It doesn't always take a lot to make a beautiful card and you can do it with less effort. I made two cards with one stamp set (you can see the second on my blog). The same style but different motifs. This is possible if the card is not very ornate designed.

I look forward to your One Layer projects and remember, you can also do anything but a card. So be creative and link up your post !
Also, don't forget to check out the Little Red Wagon Girl Friends. Their entries are marked with "DT"

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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