Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Challenge #494 - Everything's Coming Up...

Welcome to Little Red Wagon Challenge #494!  I barely remember Ethel Merman, so I am sure very few of you do.  She sang a song called "Everything's Coming Up Roses" from the musical Gypsy.  This is the inspiration for the challenge this week.  I am challenging you to come up with your own type of flora ending. I am thinking things like trees, grass, cactus, get the picture.  As you can see my card is coming up with flowers, not sure what kind, but here they are -  

I can't wait to see what you and the Girlfriends "come up" with.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Featured Look Up, Way Up Projects

Well, we didn't have too many looking up in the sky for this challenge but still, I saw some fantastic projects.  Here are my faves.....

Wonderful cards!  Feel free to grab the Featured badge for your blog.

Hope to see everyone back tomorrow for our next challenge!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Challenge # 493 - Look Up, Way Up

Happy Wednesday, all!  This week the challenge is all about things in the sky.  So think birds, planes, balloons, butterflies, bugs, celestial bodies, fairies, clouds etc. etc. etc. Lots of things to choose from!  And remember, it doesn't have to be a card, we'd love to see your scrapbook layout, bookmark, tag, altered item, pocket page...any papercraft goes!

This is what I did....

As you can see, I've got an angel on a cloud and stars.  All things you'd find up in the air.

If you'd like more inspiration be sure to check out the wonderful projects the Girlfriends have created. Then, head back here and link up.

Can't wait to see what you create!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Challenge #492 - Featured Projects

Doni here with my top picks from the "April Showers" Challenge.
Thanks to all who made this really hard to pick! 

#10 Mississippi McGyver

 Love that stormy background!

#5 Diane H

That Gator with his plaid suit and flowered umbrella stole my heart!

#16 Nisha
Love the flower umbrella! 

Congratulations, Ladies !  Don´t miss to grab our Badge from the sidebar to add on your blog.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Challenge # 492 - April Showers

Hi Everybody!
It's Wednesday and time for a new Challenge at Little Red Wagon.
My name is Doni and I'm super excited to be a brand new girlfriend here on the design team. 

This weeks challenge is "April Showers". You can explore ideas about water or rain
or  use water as a technique such as watercoloring or using Brusho's.

Here's my take on April Showers:
If you'd like more inspiration be sure to check out the wonderful projects the Girlfriends have created. Then, head back here and link up.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Featured "Shake it !" Projects

Hi there ! 
i am here with some TOP Picks from our "Shake it " Challenge.  Thanks to  everyone who entered. All entries were fabulous, we loved looking at them all ! 

Carol used nails to create this masculine shaker card - brilliant idea !

5. Vicki

Vicki-MFT Birthday Bear Rainbow

The rainbow background looks great !

6. Sherri

I like the fun and bright colors !

Congratulations, Ladies !  Don´t miss to grab our Badge from the sidebar to add on your blog.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Challenge # 491 - Shake it !

Hi there, it´s Wednesday and time for a brand new Challenge at Little Red Wagon. It's me, Imke - I am your hostess this week and I hope you like my topic:

" Shake it ! "

I always try to challenge myself, so I chose "Shaker Cards". I do that very rarely because I'm not good at techniques. I love to do simple things :-)

Now it's your turn, please link up your project below ! I'm looking forward to seeing your projects and visiting you on your blogs.

Challenge #490 - Featured Projects

Thanks so much to all who joined in the fun with our "Hop to it!" challenge last week. I had so much fun checking out the bunnies, frogs and other hoppers!

Here are some projects that especially caught my eye:

Congratulations, ladies! Please feel free to grab the badge from our sidebar to post on your blogs!