Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Challenge #494 - Everything's Coming Up...

Welcome to Little Red Wagon Challenge #494!  I barely remember Ethel Merman, so I am sure very few of you do.  She sang a song called "Everything's Coming Up Roses" from the musical Gypsy.  This is the inspiration for the challenge this week.  I am challenging you to come up with your own type of flora ending. I am thinking things like trees, grass, cactus, get the picture.  As you can see my card is coming up with flowers, not sure what kind, but here they are -  

I can't wait to see what you and the Girlfriends "come up" with.

1 comment:

  1. Magnifiques créations de la DT.
    Merci pour ce beau challenge.

    Beautiful creations of the DT.
    Thank you for this beautiful challenge.
