Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Challenge #550 - Reuse/Recycle

It's Wednesday again and gosh, we are more than half way through the month of May. All that means it's time for a new Little Red Wagon challenge. This week I (Brenda) am your hostess and I'm looking for any craft/creative project that reuses or recycles something. Recycled things you might use that come to mind would be string, ribbon, junk mail, candy boxes, folders, cans, file cabinets...I could go on and on.

As for me, we had these ugly, banged up but very solid file cabinets and a need for some new bedside tables. Thanks to Pinterest and a bit of work from my husband and I we now have very functional bedside tables (that will hold tons of cardstock!).  It was kinda hard to get a good picture, but I think you can see I did an "industrialized" paint job and we recycled some cedar from our local reuse lumbar yard.

I can't wait to see what you save from the landfill.  If you want more inspiration be sure to check out what the Girlfriends have made. Then head on back here and link up your project.


  1. WOW now thats a fabulous creation, I am so in awe brenda its brilliant and how great to save it, well done.xx

  2. Very cool bedside table! Love it!
