Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Little Red Wagon Challenge 321 - Sparkle and Shine

Hi, it's Brenda here.  Only a couple more sleeps until Christmas.  I know many of you will be busy with the fun festivities of this wonderful holiday.  If you have the opportunity to do a little crafting, we would love to see your projects that sparkle and shine.

I made these little tags that are gracing gifts under our tree:

I hope you can join in on the fun.  We also want to wish you all the joys this wonderful season holds!

If you are out of inspiration, be sure to check out the wonderful projects the Girlfriends have created. Then, head back here and link up.


  1. Your tags are just adorable Brenda! Your packages must be so pretty with these wonderful little tags!

  2. Wonderful tags! I'm linking up, don't know how much Sparkle or Shine I have, but I'm up to play along. Thanks for the challenge and a Merry Christmas to you! – Paperesse
